Apple QuickTime movie | 2003-04-17 | 2.5 MB | 256x192 | 15fps | 1 minute, 23 seconds
Transcription: Malaria is an infection with one-celled protozoans called plasmodia. Plasmodia spends some stages of their lives in female Anopheles mosquitoes and some stages in people. A female mosquito sucks in plasmodia when she takes blood from a person infected with malaria. In her intestine, male and female forms of plasmodia combine into zygotes. Zygotes burrow into cells in her intestine and form tiny cysts. Within each tiny cyst, the zygote divides many times. Eventually, the tiny cyst bursts and Plasmodia migrate to the mosquito salivary glands. She can now inject Plasmodia into a new victim. In pe ...